Friday, March 20, 2009

They say if you say it out loud, you'll speak it into existence.

I'd really like to have a nice sized MiuMiu bag to have as my everyday bag. lol Just puttin that out into the Universe. 

A date with the Design Museum

So I've been meaning to get to the Design Museum for about a month now. . .and FINALLY I made it! Its was awesome. Here are a few pics. Kinda blurry due to the fact that I was sneaking pictures. . . I probably could have just snapped away w/o anyone caring but. . .oh well.

Look what I saw on the way! I've never seen her from this angle, this was a pleasant surprise :-)

He's amazing. . . 

2nd floor of the Design Museum.



The view. 

Next stop. Stephen Jones at the V&A!

Once upon a time. . .

Once upon a time I refused to read fiction books. I'd think "Hum. I'd much rather learn something." Maybe I felt somehow like they were "not worthy". I've recently divorced that idea. The art of story telling comes from real raw talent. As a lover of the arts and in some abstract way, an artist, I will most certain support and truly appreciate the works (art) of others.

I'm rambling. Maybe this should've been my "Random thought of the day".

Will post more LONDON stuff tomorrow (or maybe the next day, I should probably do my hair tomorrow) I've been a bit busy with Stella and planning one SERIOUS backpacking trip with Peju and NO, I repeat, NO TRAVEL AGENT! Kids, don't try this at home!!!

Here's one for the road. Consider this a "Coming Soon."

Hussein Chalayan Exhibit at the Design Museum.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random thought of the day.

I'm not sure that I fancy wearing really expensive shoes (even if you got them on sale) with an obviously cheap, NON-leather bag... or shall I say PLASTIC BAG??? Doesn't it cheapen the whole look? ...and then emphasize that you got the shoes on sale? 

Ok. Ok. I can deal with a $2 t-shirt with expensive (for shall I say designer) shoes or bag... but there's something not quite right about wearing a bag that could have very well came from the guy on the corner of Broadway and Canal with a 5th Ave shoe. Of course there's an exception (or two) to the rule IF you're capable enough to disguise the plastic bag, making it LOOK like you "have it all" together but not many people can pull this off. AND if you're vegan. (Ps. what is it with ridiculously expensive "vegan" i.e FAUX leather shoes??? Aren't they the same as Payless? In this case, you're paying $30 for the shoes and $520 for the name)

I'm not saying that everything has to be designer or even that ANYTHING has to be designer but if you ARE wearing the expensive shoes... I'm sure you can afford at the very least a genuine leather bag. Hum. Food for thought. OR Shit for chatter. Pick your poison.

Monday, March 16, 2009


THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO REMIND THE WORLD THAT THERE WAS PATRICK KELLY!  A very good friend introduced me to PATRICK KELLY once upon a time. (Thank you!) A black designer from the south who took Paris my storm!!! (Yes. To all my designer friends out there... IT IS POSSIBLE!) His legacy ended too early. Research him. Get into him!

Ps. Peep the Gucci / stud inspiration from last season.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

LIFE: It's what you make it.

I've been getting a lot of questions like...

"Are you home sick?"
"Do you miss the states??"
"Do you miss New York???"

No. I'm not. I don't. I've been extremely blessed to be apart of this experience
First because an exception was made in order for me to do this.
Second because we have recently got word that we will be the last group to participate in this program. We're not quite sure as to WHY... my guess is we'll find out in due time. 

HOWEVER. I've come to realize that the world is MUCH bigger than New York. It's MUCH bigger than the US and it has so much more to offer. I'm very grateful to be able to exist comfortably in another world. I'm beginning to fully understand and wholeheartedly take pride in the title CHAMELEON.  I can fully exist in another land... another world and completely emerge myself in that world with little complaint.

Given there may be some similarities that cross which of course allows the ease of transition. I'm happy to be here taking it ALL in. I've come to fully understand that this experience will last 6 months (as far as I know) and I have the rest of my life to experience the place(s) called Home. 


Remember to take chances. Plow through the doors of life and remain open and appreciative for what's on the other side. Remain THANKFUL that you weren't left wondering...

Weekend in Amsterdam / Belgium

Attempting to carve clogs at a clog / cheese factory in Amsterdam!

Amsterdam Centraal. So beautiful!

Mussels [and chips] in Brugge. quite possible the best mussels I've ever had.

Belgian chocolate mousse. YUUUM!


. . .

At the Stone(r)'s Cafe in Amsterdam

Me and my boo! lol

We in the Red Liight Distriiict!!!

Well... Amsterdam is known for Windmills 

Us :-)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Ok so. WHO are these mystery girls that I've been spending my life with?? Well, here goes.

First and Foremost: The person I share like a sq ft of space with... LISAAAAAA {INSERT APPLAUSE HERE}

I've pretty much developed a 6pk laughing so hard. 

Next up: Jenny Jeeeaaan!!!! lol (she'll hate me for that)

This picture says it all!

Tiana and Caitlyn! These two MUST be introduced together! They're besties! wife and wife. :-)



Well there you have it!