Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Random thought of the day.

I'm not sure that I fancy wearing really expensive shoes (even if you got them on sale) with an obviously cheap, NON-leather bag... or shall I say PLASTIC BAG??? Doesn't it cheapen the whole look? ...and then emphasize that you got the shoes on sale? 

Ok. Ok. I can deal with a $2 t-shirt with expensive (for shall I say designer) shoes or bag... but there's something not quite right about wearing a bag that could have very well came from the guy on the corner of Broadway and Canal with a 5th Ave shoe. Of course there's an exception (or two) to the rule IF you're capable enough to disguise the plastic bag, making it LOOK like you "have it all" together but not many people can pull this off. AND if you're vegan. (Ps. what is it with ridiculously expensive "vegan" i.e FAUX leather shoes??? Aren't they the same as Payless? In this case, you're paying $30 for the shoes and $520 for the name)

I'm not saying that everything has to be designer or even that ANYTHING has to be designer but if you ARE wearing the expensive shoes... I'm sure you can afford at the very least a genuine leather bag. Hum. Food for thought. OR Shit for chatter. Pick your poison.


  1. i was going to say what if you're a vegan against leather...but then realized the shoes are more than likely leather. so out goes that argument.

  2. haha i get where u are coming from, that's the difference between Designer and Luxury for ya. hows it going on your side?

  3. Only a rare few can pull that off, but what if your "cheap plastic" bag is designer?

    Then what?

  4. No. Not about designer, more so quality. But still. You would never wear a Betseyville bag with lets say Louboutin or YSL shoes. Betseyville would prob be worn (on a teenager) with $40 flats.

    Ps. that bag is so adorable!
