Monday, January 26, 2009


Imagine seeing this in NY. Would have probably save 1/2 a million "I'll be there in a minute"s, over 200 million "Sorry I'm late"s, and a Ga-jillion "Ugh. TRAFFIC!"s. Wait... And at least one long drawn out story that everyone knows is a lie.

Europe has the most modern and "chic" selection of McDonalds.

Self-service check-out at a very chic McDonalds. 

What we eat.

We got hungry and decided to make pasta tossed with herbs, olive oil, white wine, mussels, calamari, and shrimp. (Not pictured: Garlic flatbread) 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I LOVE this ad!!!! Imagine the possibilities! I saw another one (a part II) thats even better. I'll have to take a picture. 


I started as a PR intern at Stella McCartney today. It was kool. I'm tired now, I'll elaborate later.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


We decided to make stir fry at 2am.

...and we ate it out of cups. (Lisa's idea) it tasted like cooked salad, not so much flavor.

Advert UPDATE from Jan 11.

People actually answered the question. lol Then they actually changed the ad. funny

Friday, January 16, 2009


I know. I know. I've visited London before. I visited TopShop before but I went today (to the Oxford Circus location) and New York... WE DEFINITELY HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! I.... DIED! AND THEN!!! ... to add insult to injury... ALL the sales are going down in Europe NOW in January. So on top of that I can't stop thinking about buying those Balenciaga and/ or Miu Miu pumps that I saw in Selfridges. My heart can't take this kind of pressure. I HAVN'T EVEN BEEN HERE FOR 7 DAYS!!!! S.O.S PLEASE HELP!!! 

TopShop on the other hand...
You mean to tell me I can get runway height heels for 45 pounds. Leathers and ULTRA chic and relatively cheap clothes. This sounds a little more realistic. We'll see. 

Our 1st attempt at tourism.

On the river. The bridge leading to the Tate Modern Art Museum. (I'll get the name for you later)

"Falliing down! Falling doown! Myy Faaiir Ladyyy!!!"

The London Eye. Closed til Friday. Will DEF post pics when I get on it.

The House of Parliament. Big Ben. Gotta love that Cannon.

Beer. Gross but not so bad. We had fun. Can't see any of the girls yet. They have to be formally introduced... (You know me)

My attempt 2 Inspire You.

Totally thought this was a gallery when I walked by. It's a DRY CLEANERS!

Someone should knock these off as expensive coat hangers. 10% is all I ask for.

Found this randomly under a bridge when I was lost. I guess I got lost for a reason.

Not a school. Random.

Cutie Patoodie.

In Angel. I just thought she was cute. She seemed so happy! I love it! I want to be just like this when I grow up! Happy, wear what the "F" I want to wear and KNOW I'm fabulous! 

Bon Appetite!

(mini-post) Since we're staying Lisa and I FINALLY decided to to cook a meal. Cheese filled tortellini, Salmon, Garlic bread. YUM! Next time I'll be sure to included veggies. Ps. peep the paper and plastic. I was desperate. I used a plastic fork to cook the salmon.


This can't be safe. Phone. Ethernet. Converter. Expander. Charger(s). Eeek!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"I live in the ghetto" UPDATE

SO. Let me teeell you! After being upset about our living accommodations (because we were under the impression that we would be living in a much more convenient area in Central) I finally get used to our area. Its really not that bad. Idk why everyone made it out to be so bad. It's actually a pretty decent neighborhood. I'm in SE5. Anyway. I figured out that where we are is not that bad the DAY BEFORE The VP of something or another came ALL the way to London from his VACATION in Paris to "address the issue". We had this entire meeting situation only to come to the conclusion that we wanted to STAY. Sad, wasteful, and ungrateful Americans. I was disappointed to be one of them. BTW after being informed that we would have to pay an ADDITIONAL $3,500+ to stay at the other location, it was unanimous decision... we're staying in the "Ghetto!"

I honestly feel like this will prove for a more authentic London living experience. Donald made a good point. Brooklyn wasn't MY "hood" when I moved there... now it is. Hopefully the same will prove for London.

Well... it's 2:50am here (9:50pm EST) Playing the role of a tourist tomorrow. Gotta go.

Wine. Plain and simple.

Don't get bored with me!!! I've been in orientations-n-sh!t for 2 days and nothing interesting has happened. Well nothing interesting enough to blog about. So. We had our first celebratory sip of South African wine on Sunday. Lisa has red and I had the white. Cheers.

Four more guests and 3 bottles later... We were found at the grocery store attempting to refill... and...(dot)...(dot)...(dot) as soon as I picked this bottle up... somehow... I dropped it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Adventures of Finding Civilization.

We decided to search for food and civilization today. Here are some funny finds at the Somerfield grocery store...

Hot Dogs in a can. Seriously.

'Ol E in a soda bottle. Made me giggle.

Read EVERY word on the packaging!!!! Enough said. I LOVE this place. 'YOU asked for it!'

Moving on...
Some local Londoners informed us that we live in the ghetto. My drivers exact words were...
"I'd NEVER live here"
"I think someone just got killed over here"
"I mean... you just never know when you're gona get stabbed"

Needless to say... this was comforting. My thoughts are its probably not as bad as Brooklyn but I guess we'll see on Monday whether or not we'll be getting relocated. Pls pray that we do. Lisa took notice to this advert on the way to out grocery store adventures...

Maybe the driver was right??? 

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I call this... The World. When Night Meets Day. 

Well. I'm here. After an hour delay and almost an hour of turbulence I've finally arrived safely. Only to find out that I'm not living where I anticipated, I'm actually in the hood. :-) We're attempting to relocate on Monday... but who cares??? I'm in London BITCHEEEES!

Moving on.

From now until June 12th I hope to make a solid attempt to blog EVERYDAY! ...well... (dot) ...(dot)...(dot) ALMOST everyday.... or several times a day. Who knows?? You may never hear from me after this initial blog. {You know me.}

The Beginning.
I'm not quite sure what to expect out the next 6 months. I don't know that this time will be a complete cosmic life-altering something or another but what I do know is that my life will never be the same. Meaning, at the VERY least, I'll be able to say "I did that. That I did do." If nothing else and I'd be happy with that.

Check back for the latest happenings in my life, London nightlife, fashion in London, and any other kool stuff I may come across. Feel free to comment, email, etc.