Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Adventures of Finding Civilization.

We decided to search for food and civilization today. Here are some funny finds at the Somerfield grocery store...

Hot Dogs in a can. Seriously.

'Ol E in a soda bottle. Made me giggle.

Read EVERY word on the packaging!!!! Enough said. I LOVE this place. 'YOU asked for it!'

Moving on...
Some local Londoners informed us that we live in the ghetto. My drivers exact words were...
"I'd NEVER live here"
"I think someone just got killed over here"
"I mean... you just never know when you're gona get stabbed"

Needless to say... this was comforting. My thoughts are its probably not as bad as Brooklyn but I guess we'll see on Monday whether or not we'll be getting relocated. Pls pray that we do. Lisa took notice to this advert on the way to out grocery store adventures...

Maybe the driver was right??? 

1 comment:

  1. Hot dogs in a can hmm would that be FDA approved???l Six pork faggots???? :X. Uhhhh... Ok! Anyway ill pray that the "ghetto" in London is not like the Ghetto(s) in BROOKLYN!

    *Hugs* from New York
